Linked to the global theme for the International Women's Day 2025, namely to Inspire Inclusion and Accelerate Action, the theme of the 2025 RAeS Paris Branch Women in Aerospace, Aviation and Space (WIAAS) forum is “Actions to improve gender diversity and inclusion, based on experiences of what works and what does not work”, discussed by a panel of female experts with experience in a number of domains, and open to questions from the audience.
Tuesday, March 11th
at 18h30
ESA building (salle Vinci)
52 rue Hillairet, Paris 75012
The event will be opened by the RAeS Paris Branch President, followed by a Key Note given by the current RAeS President.
The forum will be followed by a cocktail, co-sponsored by the University of West of England on behalf of the ALTA mentoring platform.
Please register below to participate in this inspiring event !